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Travis Wimer
GitHub Search Cheatsheet

GitHub Search Cheatsheet

GitHub Search Cheatsheet

All the GitHub search qualifiers in an easy to read list.

Published / By Travis Wimer
Last updated

Using this Cheatsheet

  • This cheat sheet is meant to be easy to skim and find what you're looking for. If you want more detailed descriptions and examples, please refer to GitHub's official documentation.
  • Terms written in ALL CAPS are custom variables that you will need to type yourself.

Search Syntax (Other sections depend on understanding this)

Na number
>Ngreater than N
>=Ngreater than or equal to N
<Nless than N
<=Nless than or equal to N
N..*the same as >=N
*..Nthe same as <=N
N1..N2between N1 and N2
YYYY-MM-DDa date
>YYYY-MM-DDlater than YYYY-MM-DD
>=YYYY-MM-DDlater than or on YYYY-MM-DD
<YYYY-MM-DDearlier than YYYY-MM-DD
<=YYYY-MM-DDearlier than or on YYYY-MM-DD
YYYY-MM-DD..*the same as >YYYY-MM-DD
*..YYYY-MM-DDthe same as <YYYY-MM-DD
YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS+HH:MMDate and time along with UTC offset (timezones). Can be used in place of YYYY-MM-DD
NOT QUERYyou can pre-pend NOT to a QUERY to exclude it from results
-QUALIFIERa - preceding any qualifier will exclude it from results
@mecan be used in place of a USERNAME to match your own account

Issues & Pull Requests (PRs)

These qualifiers apply to both issues and PRs. If you want to search only issues or only PRs, use type:issue or type:pr.

type:issueonly issues
is:issueSame as type:issue
type:pronly PRs
is:prSame as type:pr
state:openopen issues and PRs
is:openSame as state:open
state:closedclosed issues and PRs
is:closedSame as state:closed
QUERY in:titletitles containing the specified QUERY
QUERY in:bodybodies containing the specified QUERY
QUERY in:commentscomments containing the specified QUERY
is:publicin public repos
is:privatein private repos
author:USERNAMEcreated by USERNAME
author:app/USERNAMEcreated by an "integration account" USERNAME
assignee:USERNAMEassigned to USERNAME
mentions:USERNAMEmentions @USERNAME
commenter:USERNAMEcontaining comment from USERNAME
involves:USERNAMEwhere USERNAME is the author, assignee, a commenter, or they are mentioned
label:LABELhas the specified LABEL
milestone:MILESTONEin the specified milestone
project:PROJECT_BOARDin the project
project:REPOSITORY/PROJECT_BOARDin the project in the repo
language:LANGUAGEin repos using LANGUAGE (programming language)
comments:Nhas N comments (e.g. >100)
interactions:Nhas N interactions (e.g. >1200)
reactions:Nhas N reactions (e.g. <500)
created:YYYY-MM-DDcreated during specified date (e.g <2022-02-02)
updated:YYYY-MM-DDupdated during specified date (e.g >2022-02-02)
closed:YYYY-MM-DDclosed during specified date (e.g <=2022-02-02)
archived:truein a repo that has been archived
archived:falsenot in a repo that has been archived
is:lockedconversation is locked
is:unlockedconversation is not locked
no:labelhas no labels
no:milestonehas no milestone
no:assigneehas no assignee
no:projecthas no project

Issues Only

reason:completeclosed as "completed"
reason:"not planned"closed as "not planned"
linked:pris linked to a PR
-linked:pr is not linked to a PR

Pull Requests Only

linked:issueis linked to an issue
-linked:issueis not linked to an issue
status:pendinghas pending status
status:successhas success status
status:failurehas failure status
SHAPR with commit SHA that starts with entered search term
head:HEAD_BRANCHopened from branch names beginning with HEAD_BRANCH
base:BASE_BRANCHbeing merged into BASE_BRANCH
draft:truedraft PRs
draft:falsenon-draft PRs (available to be reviewed)
review:nonehas not been reviewed
review:requiredrequires a review before it can be merged
review:approvedhas been approved by a reviewer
review:changes_requesteda reviewer has requested changed before merging
reviewed-by:USERNAMEhas been reviewed by USERNAME
review-requested:USERNAMEhas a request for USERNAME to review
user-review-requested:@meyou have been asked to review
team-review-requested:TEAMNAMETEAMNAME has been asked to review
merged:YYYY-MM-DDmerged during specified date (e.g >=2022-02-02)
is:mergedhas been merged
is:unmergedhas not been merged


QUERY in:fileQUERY appears in the file contents
QUERY in:pathQUERY appears in the file path
user:USERNAMEcommitted by USERNAME
path:/located at the root level of a repo
path:DIRECTORYlocated within DIRECTORY or any of it's subdirectories
language:LANGUAGEwritten in the programming language LANGUAGE
size:Nfile size matches N in bytes (e.g. >10000)
filename:FILENAMEfile is named FILENAME
extension:EXTENSIONhas the file extension EXTENSION


QUERY in:namehas QUERY in the repo name
QUERY in:descriptionhas QUERY in the repo description
QUERY in:topicsis labeled with QUERY as a topic.
QUERY in:readmehas QUERY in the README file
user:USERNAMErepos owned by USERNAME
org:ORGNAMErepos owned by ORGNAME
size:Nrepos that are size N kilobytes in size (e.g. >1000)
followers:Nrepo with N followers
forks:Nhas N forks
stars:Nhas N stars
created:YYYY-MM-DDcreated on YYYY-MM-DD (e.g. <2021-03-02)
pushed:YYYY-MM-DDhas commit pushed on YYYY-MM-DD (e.g. >2022-01-01)
language:LANGUAGEwritten in the programming language of LANGUAGE
topic:TOPIChas a topic of TOPIC
topics:Nhas N topics
license:LICENSE_KEYWORDis licensed under LICENSE_KEYWORD (<a href="" rel="noopener" target="_blank">list of license keywords</a>)
is:publicis public
is:privateis private
mirror:truerepos that are mirrors
mirror:falserepos that are not mirrors
archived:trueis archived
archived:falseis not archived
good-first-issues:>nhas N or more issues labeled good-first-issue
help-wanted-issues:>nhas N or more issues labelled help-wanted
is:sponsorablerepo owners have a <a href="" rel="noopener" target="_blank">GitHub Sponsors profile</a>
has:funding-filehas a <a href="" rel="noopener" target="_blank">FUNDING.yml file</a>


type:useronly personal accounts
type:orgonly organizations
user:USERNAMEuser with the username USERNAME
org:ORGNAMEorganization with the name ORGNAME
QUERY in:loginusers with the QUERY in their username
QUERY in:nameusers whose real name contains QUERY
fullname:FIRSTNAME LASTNAMEuser with the full name FIRSTNAME LASTNAME
QUERY in:emailusers with QUERY in their email.
repos:Nusers with N repositories (e.g. >100)
location:LOCATIONusers that specified LOCATION as their location in their profile
language:LANGUAGEusers with a majority of their repos written in LANGUAGE
created:YYYY-MM-DDusers that joined on YYYY-MM-DD
followers:Nusers with N followers
is:sponsorableusers and organizations who have a <a href="" rel="noopener" target="_blank">GitHub Sponsors profile</a>


author:USERNAMEcommits authored by USERNAME
committer:USERNAMEcommitted by USERNAME
author-name:NAMEcommits with NAME in the author name
committer-name:NAMEcommits with NAME in the committer name.
author-email:EMAILauthored by EMAIL
committer-email:EMAILcommitted by EMAIL
author-date:YYYY-MM-DDcommits authored on YYYY-MM-DD
committer-date:YYYY-MM-DDcommits committed on YYYY-MM-DD
merge:truemerge commits
merge:falsenon-merge commits
hash:HASHcommits with the hash of HASH
parent:HASHchildren of commits with the hash of HASH
tree:HASHcommits that refer to the tree hash of HASH.
user:USERNAMEcommits in repositories owned by USERNAME
org:ORGNAMEcommits in repositories owned by ORGNAME
repo:USERNAME/REPOcommits in the repository USERNAME/REPO
is:publiccommits to public repositories
is:privatecommits to private repositories


QUERY in:titlediscussions with QUERY in the title
QUERY in:bodydiscussions with QUERY in the body
QUERY in:commentsdiscussions with QUERY in the comments
user:USERNAMEin repos owned by USERNAME
org:ORGNAMEdiscussions in repos owned by ORGNAME
is:publicin public repos
is:privatein private repos
author:USERNAMEdiscussions created by USERNAME
commenter:USERNAMEdiscussons commented on by USERNAME
involves:USERNAMEdiscussions involving USERNAME
comments:Ndiscussions with N comments
created:YYYY-MM-DDdiscussions created on YYYY-MM-DD
updated:YYYY-MM-DDdiscussions updated on YYYY-MM-DD


user:USERNAMEwiki in repos owned by USERNAME
org:ORGNAMEin repos owned by ORGNAME
QUERY in:titlewiki pages with titles containing QUERY
QUERY in:bodywiki pages with body text containing QUERY
updated:YYYY-MM-DDwikis updated on YYYY-MM-DD


QUERY fork:trueRepos and forks that contain QUERY
QUERY fork:onlyonly forks that contain QUERY


is:curatedtopics that are curated
is:featuredtopics that are featured on <a href="" rel="noopener" target="_blank"></a>
is:not-curatedtopics that are not curated
is:not-featuredtopics that are not featured on <a href="" rel="noopener" target="_blank"></a>
repositories:Ntopics that have N repos
created:YYYY-MM-DDtopics created on YYYY-MM-DD


user:USERNAMEpackages owned USERNAME
org:ORGNAMEpackages owned by ORGNAME
is:publicpublic packages
is:privateprivate packages

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